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  • Dana V. Hayes

When the Yes you prayed for is a  NO

All year, I’ve used Transformation Tuesday primarily as an opportunity to encourage us all to transform our mindset first in order to transform our entire lifestyle. Today is no different. I haven’t blogged in a while, so here’s my truth and the mindset shift I’m prayerful we all will adapt. I have total faith in God, and his ability to work miracles and answer prayers in our lives. However, the other truth is I’m scared that the yes from God I’m praying for will actually be a no. If this resonates with you also, please comment and share this because this kind of truth is never talked about. Maybe it’s not your truth today or yesterday, but it may be your truth tomorrow. I find that life takes us on a journey that even with the best intention, planning, praying, and believing we can often be left feeling unprepared, overwhelmed, or in disbelief. This week I was prayerful that an opportunity I wanted was a yes, but turns out it was a no. I legit cried the moment I had a moment to myself. The negativity that I actively try to keep at bay was seeping into my brain as I sat alone with my tears. The funny thing was this wasn’t instant. It was only when I was alone and in a quiet space that I lost it. I now realized that I had become accustomed to using negativity as a coping mechanism. Because truth is, what I asked for I didn’t really want. Yet it felt good to wallow in my pain, it felt good to tell myself that I wasn’t worthy of the opportunity, I wasn’t ready, It wasn’t meant for me. Then today I think to myself, maybe God told me NO because he has a better plan. Yet here I am ready to give up and accept my current situation as my forever. The other thing is, how many of you have asked for something from God that your heart didn’t want, yet you allowed your situation to dictate you now requesting it from God. God knows your heart, he knows what you can handle, and he knows what lies beyond your situation and will not allow you to sabotage the true miracle he has planned just for a temporary gain. Let’s not be so anxious that we get distracted by quick gain. Gratefulness for what you have now will sustain you while you wait on God. Practice not allowing yourself in those dark moments to be alone with negative thoughts the enemy try’s to place in your heart. Be encouraged by where and how far you’ve come and know that none of that was in vain. That’s #WeekendISH , daily dose of this will have you glowing differently. Be encouraged!

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